Thursday, March 09, 2006

Chuck E. Cheese/ Couch Climbing

I'm sorry I'm a bad bad momma... It's been quite a while since I posted... As for medical appointments we've been doing the same as usual. Just O/T, P/T, and S/T. No new specialists or big visits. We did visit a new orthotics place and they took some measurements of Pj's arms and are supposed to be getting back with me about a night flexion splint for his elbows. They want to combine the elbow and wrist splints to be a whole arm splint. I dunno about all that. We'll see. Ok now on to the fun stuff.

We went to Chuck E. Cheese. Last time Pj went with Caitlyn and Zaden. He had fun, but he wasn't even walking yet. He was just scooting around. This time he ran around like a wildman. He had so much fun. He played a couple games, but mostly played on the slide and ran around. He sooo enjoyed being around the other kiddos. It was a great experience and he was screaming Cheese! for 3 days. We should take him much more often.

Pj has been trying to get up on the couch. On sunday he was able to when he stood up on the crib mattress which gave about a 3 inch boost. Today he just did it. He threw one leg up and pulled like hell and the rest of him came too. Here's some pics... It was quite a day for him and he did it OVER and OVER and OVER!

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