Sunday, April 30, 2006

Look at this Kid!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. We've been so busy and Paul and I just had vacation last week. We went to Vegas and saw his brother get married. Pj has started something new these last couple weeks. He'll grab a pillow and throw it down and then throw himself down on top of it. His shoulders are really starting to loosen up. A year ago this would have been very uncomfortable. And he'll just lay there and watch TV. (For about 5 seconds! LOL. He's a very active kiddo!) I just couldn't resist these pics. It looks so great to see him at rest with his arms like that. Now if we could only get those elbows going a little bit. But we haven't been able to wear the Beniks at night because he velcro's himself to the floor. And we haven't had an elbow splint that fits in at least 6 months. We do have a new appointment at Hanger Orthotics on May9th and they are going to try and fit him for a good dynamic elbow splint for night wear and I'm really excited about it. I think they are going to encorporate wrist into it too to anchor it. And we have a visit to Shriner's coming up May 22nd so expect more posts real soon.

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